Garden ready to wake

Jack and the beanstalk? Our sugar snap peas in 2019 grew right up over the top of our trellis. The payoff is not something to climb, but sweet, crisp, juicy peas to eat like candy off the vine.

In March even when overnight frosts are still common, it’s time to plant peas. If you didn’t get yours in the ground on March 17, the traditional pea-planting day, you still have time.

For inspiration, above is a bit of last year’s crop, bursting over the top of our trellis.

Being out in the garden to poke peas under the ground also is a good time to observe how the rest of the garden is getting ready to wake up. Or, has already woken up. At the end of last year, Karla sowed Swiss chard and then we covered it with floating row cover, which protected it all winter. When we pulled the cover off a couple weeks ago and it was a delight to see the chard sprightly, green and healthy. We sauteed the first batch with olive oil, garlic and salt for our dinner March 24.

Do you like your chard early in the season when the flavor is subtle and mild or later when the stalks assert their earthiness, a magical mix of soil and light?

It’s fun to look at all the beds now, a blank canvas.

What would you plant here? What will you grow this year?

Photos by Karla Cook

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